pi one answer

I don't have any experience with the JBL 077 tweeter, but I've used a lot of 2115H's over the years and I absolutely love them. In the eighties, I sold Professional Series one π speakers based on the JBL 2115, and they were some of my favorite loudspeakers. They're tiny but they sound great! At 93dB/W/M, they're just about right for a small apartment or bedroom, especially when used with a medium power amplifier from 20 to 50 watts.

The 2115 is an excellent midwoofer - truly a full range speaker. It's not the most efficient driver, but it is capable of deep, clean bass extension and works well up through the midrange overtone region. Run the 2115's in bass-reflex boxes from 0.6ft3 to 2.0ft3 tuned to 45Hz and you'll be amazed. Use a 93dB tweeter above 5kHz and you're set.

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