It's like this...

1. Cut the dust cap out of the Alpha.

2. Hold the 1038 in the center of the Alpha's cone, as far in as you can before hitting the voice coil former.

That's pretty much what it looks like. No visible wires or armature. The tweeter is right where a phase plug would go, and it's on a dowel that can be adjusted forward and back. Trimming off the 1038's mounting flange reduces its diameter considerably.

I agree with your thoughts on artistic designs and shapes. The standard "Golden Ratio" design with grill cover holds the most appeal for my wife (my go-by for just about everything), but I think its because they're recognizable and unobtrusive. Designs that head off into "Art" territory become subject to the rules of that realm, and it's no longer enough to have workmanlike corners and a smooth finish. The concept itself is no longer a given, and neither is the execution. I admire the designs that have taken that leap.

If I can't post the photos I'll email them to you.


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