In Reply to: Crossover values for Drivers with different Impedance?? posted by longdrive55 on July 07, 2003 at 22:48:52:
If they are like most of the "pairs" of altec drivers I've seen, the diaphrams will not even be from the same years, sometimes not even the same part #!? With used CD's, I prefer to replace the 'phrams with KNOWN good oem ones from Bill at Great Plains(source for Iconics production parts). And of course, you would obtain the CORRECT 8 ohm ones:) A benefit of new 'phrams will be that the freq. response characteristics on the left and right will be much closer to each other.Yes, you could add a resistor to either driver to make the Z's the same, but a series R to the woofer will KILL your amplifier damping ability and throw away 1/2 the LF energy as HEAT, while a shunt resistor will merely drop the HF driver by 3dB while blowing off 1/2 the HF energy. INEFFICIENT as hell. And a waste of good components. You can always rework the HF crossover values for the 16 ohm HF Z, why exactly is THAT such a forbidding prospect in the first place? Sam
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