Tractrix Horn Loading

Hi everyone,

So many people say tractrix horns dont load properly down to their flare frequency, and that they only start properly from about an octave above the horns flare frequency. I've done some modeling in Hornresp, and found this statement to be not always the case. I've had some times where indeed it showed on the SPL curve that it doesn't go flat down to its flare frequnecy at all. But I've also found some tractrix horns that DO load right down to their flare frequency, according to hornresp.

The Eminence Alpha 6 in a tractrix horn with flare freq of 242Hz, 26cm^2 throat and 1600cm^2 mouth (40cm long horn) does show it flat all the way down to 242Hz, which is its flare frequnecy. So would it be able to be used down to its flare frequnecy because its flat all the way down to that? Or should I still follow the "rule" about tractrix horns not loading down to their flare frequency?


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