TAD-JBL-Pi 3-way update

After chipping back an overfilled solder connection, I've finally heard my TAD/JBL-Pi-whatevers, (Wayne - pls assign this 3 way a model name so I know what the heck to call it!), using just the passive crossover, instead of some funky "cheat/work-around".

They're sounding very, very good indeed. I've pulled the tweeter and JBL mid levels down to blend more naturally with the TAD 1602, and as Garland observed when he swung down this way last Thursday, "they do a nice job of disappearing." It struck me funny at the time since they present a 20wx40h face to the listener, plus Bill M's maple horns above that, and it's hard to imagine something that big disappearing. Kinda like "ignore the polka dotted elephant in the corner".

Speaking of Martinelli's Maple Marvels, an Avant Garde owner was in the other day and was ogling those horns, just based on their appearance. I prefer wood over automotive plastic myself! ;-)
Keep your ears and your mind open.

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