x86 emulators

I haven't really kept up with the Mac world, which is sort of ironic because I was always a big fan of Jobs and Wozniak. I purchased one of the first batch of Mac's back in 1981 - when the Lisa was still being sold - and I have a huge nylon Macintosh promotional banner from that era hanging in my office. But I haven't kept up with the Mac's lately.

It's not that I was against Gates or anything, but he always did seem to be a little square. And now days, I think Microsoft has gotten out of hand. Then again, I guess it's the buying public that is really to blame for their stranglehold on the market.

But anyway, sorry for rambling 'cause I'm afraid I'm no help at all. What I might suggest you do is to run one of the x86 emulators, which would allow you to use some of the same programs that the IBM/PC guys use.

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