pi 4 best bass

After reading a ton of posts and trying to decide, I have only one question before I built the pi 4's. Will the Kilomax 15 give me any more bottom end than the Omega 15 in the 50 to 100 hz range. Seems to be the range where the dance music bottom end is more perceptive. With the Kilomax and it's longer excursion will that give me more bottom end and less stress if I have to push the speakers. Notice the Kilomax 15 pi 4 will give me about 2 db more than the Omega 15 pi 4.

Recently heard a sound engineer boasting about how much he loved the Omega 15 as a bass/midbass speaker. Makes it hard to decide.

Great site. Love the idea that one can build his own speakers and know what he's got rather that buying someone else's "black box" so to speak. Make it alot easier if repairs are needed or upgrades are wanted.

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