More two way questions...

Thanks very much for the details and tips in the thread below, Wayne and mollecon. I've studied a bit further and I have some questions.

First for Wayne, The PiAlign document contains some nomenclature I haven't seen. Vad is this the same as Vas? Where do I get Qd from? There are a number of others. If these are merely different names for the standard TS parameters, a translation table would be useful.

Second, all of the published alignments like QB3 or SBB4, produce box volumes less than half the size of the 4-5 ft^3 you (mollecon) suggested I might use for a typical high efficiency woofer (I plugged in a JBL 2206, for example.) Am I doing or interpreting something wrong? If not I assume we are deliberately misaligning the box to get more LF extension out of it by sacrificing a flat response, yes? The Loudspeaker Cookbook talks about non-flat alignments, but the examples he shows are all underdamped. I assume you could go the opposite way and overdamp. Is this what we're doing by using a much bigger box?


Jeff Mai

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