Sorry, this post is way overdue. I should have posted the pics from the Midwest Audiofest weeks ago. But I'm just now getting around to it.This is a collection of the photos taken on Alona's camera. There were some other great shots taken by lots of other people, and I'd really like to have copies of them. So if you guys would chime in with your photos too, I'd love to include them here.
Here's the pics!
What a motley crew!
Seated from left to right are Ron Semega and his girlfriend Sharon, Mike Baker, Christine and Bill Martinelli, Alona Parham, Wayne Mark and George Duemm.
Another photo of our friends
From left to right are Ron and Sharon, Mike, Me, Alona and Wayne Mark.You wanna know why everyone is smiling? It's not just the tunes, and not just the splendid company, although everything was great in that regard. But it's also the microbrew that Wayne Mark brought. Everyone really enjoyed it, and I think Wayne might have been the most popular guy there!
And another pic of the gang
From left to right, seated are Ron, Sharon, Mike, George Duemm, Alona and Wayne.
You might ask yourself, "Where's Epstein?"
Here he is!Bill Epstein, surveying things in the π room.
I don't know if Bill was actually surveying the room as much as he might have been shielding his face to make sure he wasn't incriminated with the rest of us hooligans. [grin]
Bill and friends listening to King Crimson on the seven π's.
Here we see Bill again checking out the song, "Court of the Crimson King."
Stage Series seven seven π loudspeaker and various electronics
The "various electronics" included Paramour 2A3 amps and a Crown Microtech 2400 amplifier. Two different sides of the spectrum, both sounded quite good. Preamp was NAD C160 and source was a Sony CD player and a Rega turntable.
Stage Series seven seven π loudspeaker
Another photo of the Seven π, showing a front view and its position in the room. Check out that Martinelli horn on top!
Stage Series seven seven π loudspeakers at MAF 2003
This photo shows both speakers, and gives a better view of the room layout.
Tower two π speakers
Here's a shot of the other end of the room, showing the two π towers. Who's that in the mirror? Why it's Bill Epstein again!
Tower two π speaker, setup as home theater system
The tower two's were connected to a Harman Kardon HK3470 and a CD/DVD player connected to the television. We played music as well as watching movies, including the Matrix. Sounded excellent, especially in mind that the total system cost is very low.And check out Alona in the mirror. That mirror always managed to catch someone!
Another photo of the Stage Series two π tower speaker
I really enjoyed seeing everyone, and was sad to leave. I know that Mike Baker was exhausted and had lots of other things going on in his life. He has said that the show was quite a strain.But Mike - Please - Do it again! It was great fun! I just really enjoyed being with you guys, every one of you.
Next time, I hope to see some of those that couldn't make it, like Sam Payne, Adam Bird, Jerrod Harden, Ken Randazzo, Jerry Parker, Dr. Edwin Falconi, Dr. Kevin Grier and on and on. Come visit us next time if you can - These guys are the best little clan you could ever want to be around!
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