In Reply to: Re: Thanks! posted by AstroSonic on May 01, 2003 at 16:22:43:
Look next door at Hi Eff forum, I just commented about the $50 de-ring tweak. Most older 511's I've seen, even when "mint" could still use a coat of paint to be more presentable. So cutting them to de-stress/de-ring them is what I did. I would like to see what they look like after being "hot tanked" like cleaning up an aluminum intake manifold in chemical stripper, nice shiny (maybe glass beaded) aluminum finish would give a hi performance flair to the horns, huh Wayne!
I'll try to find a url for Altec an-9, I think it was on the sound practices web site, but it's been a while. Sama search for "gutting a lexus" will probably turn up the original posting in the archives, written when the banshee scream of the sawsall was still fresh in my mind:) ear plugs AND ear muffs.
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