Wayne, I just recieved my Sevens yesterday. These are simply the best speakers I have ever owned. You designed one great sounding pair of speakers for me. These 3-way pro JBL Seven's are so sweet and delicate it was hard to believe. They pull infromation and detail out of the music with such clarity that none of my other speakers in my 38 year hobby have ever done, and I have had ALOT of speakers. I owned in 1979 a pair of Klipschorns, not even close to your Sevens. Your crossovers that you built for these were seamless and very revieling and detailed, "GREAT CROSSOVERS." These monsters do it all from sweet detail to heart pounding dynamic's. I am truly amazed at the music they produce. And thank you for showing me the "Bill Martinelli way" of building speaker cabinets. Bill Martinelli is truly a Master Craftsmen, his work is something to behold. Wayne, I also want to thank you for your help with my future pair of speaker's I am planing. Definitely PI crossovers and components going in these too! And no one else will ever build my cabinet's, only Bill Martinelli. You both have spoiled me with your professional expertise.
Thank you
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