In Reply to: Time for a breather........... posted by mikebake on April 14, 2003 at 14:59:16:
mike, thanks again for hosting this great event! it was fun getting together with my buddies and making some new friends. it was 3 years ago when a search for "horn loudspeakers" landed me on wayne's pispeaker site. from this humble search and numerous late nights typing away on the forums i have truly made some great friendships. i have enjoyed bill & chris martinelli's company at their home in rochester and at my house in toronto. bill epstein is always fun to hang around with, he just exudes positive attitude everywhere. wayne & alona, it was well worth the wait! you both are down to earth and are truly great people. hope you can make the trip to canada this summer. speakerman57, i love your enthusiasm for this hobby! if there is another MAF you should do a seminar about your hobby. i'm sure you could just wing-it!
mike, thanks again. i understand your temporary burnout but hope to see you back in action soon on the pi forum. all of us have learned so much and now have great systems to enjoy our music on. i'm really happy with mine and honestly do not know how much more improvement is out there. is this the end of the road? maybe for the equipment, but i hope its just the beginning of some truly great friendships.
i vote for a threepeat of MAF. greg will have some partying to catch up on!cheers,
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