The Midwest Audio Fest was my first encounter with Pi speakers and first time to meet Wayne.Wayne's crossover design seminar alone was well worth the nineteen-hundred-mile round trip. I learned why my crossovers were not working! Thank you, Wayne, for not holding back your hard-earned knowledge from the rest of the world!
Then at the very end of the day Saturday, I went up to Wayne's room (it hadn't been open when I stopped by earlier). He had the 7 Pi's playing in the corner. The sound was very natural and enjoyable. And the 7 Pi's had this rare quality (which I happen to think is more than just a neat party trick ): When you were no longer able to hear their direct sound (say you were around the corner or something), they still had natural tonal balance! That means the reverberant field is tonally correct, which is extremely rare in reproduced sound; but a given in live, unamplified sound. A well-executed full-range corner horn is among the few formats that can get the reverberant field right.
By the way, David Martinelli's woodwork on that pair of 7 Pi's was exquisite. They were finished in the most beautiful French walnut I've ever seen. Slobbbbber!
Wayne, I got the itch. Got it bad. Could you e-mail me a set of plans for the 7 Pi??
Thank you sir!
Follow Ups: