WayneI have finally finished my Pi 18 consisting of the Eminence PSD3003 on an Edgar 500Hz horn and a bass subsystem with JBL 2241 18" in a bass reflex box.
Subjectively, the sound is somewhat of a disappointment due to the seemingly weak bass. My spouse commented that it sounded "light" relative to the Pi7 that I had previously built, using JBL 2226 and Peavey XT22 compression driver. I may have to re-look at the tuning of the bass, or perhaps at the crossover attenuation of the HF unit. I am open for suggestions that might help.
Anyway, apart for the seemingly lack of gut wrenching bass, the HF unit consisting of the PSD 3003 and the Edgar horn sounds absolutely marvellous, it simply rocks. With a couple coats pf polyurathane varnish, the Edgar horns looks great.
I would have liked to post some pictures if I knew how.
BTW Bim is the local abbreviation for Barbados
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