Suggestions for which Pi 7's to build

From what I have heard, the Pi 7 models appear to be very well liked. I have a medium sized room (~20'x15') that I would like to build a pair for. The problem is which pair. Size is always an issue, but the corners are fairly empty now, so any of the 7's would fit if I wanted to use the space.

I have the option between using the solid state reciever I currently own (Outlaw 1050) and building nicer 7's or buying a SET (favoring the Zen) and building the Theater 7's. From a sound quality perspective, which do people think will be better, the SET with the Theater 7's or my Outlaw with the more expensive 7's (ex: Professional JBL)? The price of either is fairly similar, since I already have the Outlaw, but would have to buy the SET. The perk of the Professional 7's is their smaller size and that they are supposed to sound better and from looking at the JBL specs, they look pretty nice. And I could upgrade to a better amp later if I so chose. The SET and theater's would be a bit cheaper now and would be a more unique combo, since I've only had solid state amps before and only built conventional speakers.

Thanks, Ian

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