Re: Paramours and other goodies for LIMA

We open no kits before their time, eh? (Said in your best john Houseman voice. ;-)

I'll be directly below you in Suite 404 with a serious heap of Audio Note gear - CD players, transports DACs, preamps, power amps, turntables, arms, cartridges, speakers, cables, etc . . . 2 complete systems up and running, and a bunch of "spare" goodies.

I'll also have my Bottlehead Foreplay, "WannaGlows" and a Sony 9000ES DVD/SACD/CD/Mouse player along for fun. We can A/B your stockers against 'em. (Some very nice Mikey LevFevre iron in this pair!)

I'll be bringing 3 (or more) turntables, I've decided, 2 of which will be available to "float", I think. Mucho vinyl, of course.

I'll also have the oft-rumored TAD/JBL/TAD & Martinelli (Gor blimey, those horns are a beautiful sight!) beasts, still fussing with crossover choices, I'm sure.

I'm really psyched for Lima, (except for the 24 hrs of driving!), can't wait to meet you guys and do some listening!
Keep your ears and your mind open.

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