Re: Paramours and other goodies for LIMA

there's tons of posts on C4S over on the Bottlehead forum- too many to pick out a few to show you. I ran mine w/out it for a couple months & enjoyed them, but after I put it on it sounded like new amps- tighter bass, few decibels more gain, and clearer midranges and highs, reduced hum. It also maxes out the gain of the 2A3 with about half the input voltage (around .7 or .8 volts to 1.5 volts). It supplies a constant current power source to the driver tube independent of the signal, and allows the max. voltage swing to be available to take advantage of the 2A3. Like having the engine revved before you let out the clutch...

If you put the C4S in right away, there's been a lot of them recently that have needed a 680-750 ohm resistor instead of one of the parallel 499-ohm resistors supplied, due to some fluctuations in the led's. If your B6 voltage is way high and B8 voltage is around 2.4 instead of 2.0, you may be a candidate to swap out this resistor. Lots on Bottlehead BBS about this, too.

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