Finally... Finished Quasi 4pi (PICS)

Finally, after months of sitting around procrastinating, they're finally done. Here are my Quasi 4 Pi's, completely finished. (except for a bit of cleaning) I used formica as a finish... It looks beautiful... The corners are just a cosmetic look. The units use PSD 2002's and Kappa 15LFA's, with the woofers operating in 5 cuft boxes tuned to 40 Hz with two 4" diameter ports out the back. I conceived these originally on my own, they just happen to closely match Wayne's design... So I call them Quasi 4Pi's here.

Enjoy!!! They sound beautiful and look incredible. They performed well at a reception in the mall on Thursday... Unfortunately, they went to the customer immediately after... So I don't have them anymore. At least I can go to his house and have a listen sometimes!


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