is it ask Bill and Till time yet?

Hi there. I was wondering if you would have any suggestions for those of us that are using mdf. Such as tricks to use during construction...and tips for bracing and damping a box made from mdf. Do any of these construction techniques change when using the Baltic ply? or damping techniques.

I'm actually getting close to being done with my speakers :) So it may be too late for many of the suggestions you may have...but I would still love to hear them. I've looked thru the archives...and I have found some discussion concerning mdf (and ply)...but nothing that really deals with differences that you may encounter when using one material over the other...including possible bracing or damping both cabinets...made of the two materials.

The cabinets I'm building right now are made with 3/4" HDF and 3/4" veneered mdf sandwiched with me a 1 1/2" total. Any suggestions what to use on the inside? Should I just use fiberglass? I also have some of that quiet-kote spray...but I've heard you must be careful using this with some adhesives found in speaker surrounds...I'm not sure...but I certainly don't want to take any chances.

Below is a link to a little thread I started that shows my SLOOOOOW speaker building process. Also note...this is my first speaker all suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your time!!!!!!!

I'll see you guys at Lima :)

take care>>>>>>>>

enjoy the music!

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