Hello !i have read the pi theory in the search part of the site its very useful to get the backround theory before asking silly questions!
i have several questions .... :o)
1. if i use pialign for my own speaker,and use the same throat areas on the sides of the box,is that ok/in other words the only variables is the tuning freq and the box volume.(which normally looks like a flat highish F3 response)
2.i was wondering if there is any way to estimate system response
((refering to corner horns))(infact i have the plans for a pi speaker but only just now have the chance to build one.)
probably there is no point having speaker resonance below 40hz,and 40hz is low enough for my tastes anyway(if the room permits)
3.Does the horn exhibit the *normal* horn loading on the cone of the speaker?
4.eg 109db/1watt efficiencys common? low excursion needed ??
5.- the dimensions of this room being 6metresx4.5metres,
can we estimate if the horn wil have its Fc near 30hz or 50hz for example?6.how well does the horn system operate below the speakers resonance does it keep its output Up or is it like conventional bass reflex that rolls off steeply ?
will i not know what frequency the Horn/room loads the speaker until i build it.??
Thanks alot !!! :-D
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