Thanks to the dotcom daughter, here's a link. The tube active crossover is working great, with the one "glitch" that only ONE ic ground connection from the source is needed...use two and hum/buzz is there. Both channels work fine, just need one ground/shield wire "broken" on one ic. Discovered by accident, when I finally figured out why it would hum sometimes, and not other times while testing. At presnt, it is super can pull the input cables with the amps running, and not generate a peep from them.
There is a shot of the smallest size you can reduce a regulated dc filament supply into...
And the "long wall" setup, consisting of the jbl4648a-8 bass bins and altec 902/511 horns, crossed 3rd order BW with the tube circuit at 800Hz. Phase aligned at 800Hz. Fortunately, the MC-240 input level controls allow for balancing/shelving the HF level with the LF adcom 555 amp. Source is CD variable output, DIRECT into the tube xover, then straight into the amps.
"Short wall" not shown is the same jbl/altec systems, but with 909 drivers, crossed at 800Hz. with the ss marchand XM9L unit feeding an adcom 545 (100watts/ch) and 535 (60watts).
Hard to believe a single tube stage could do the work of all those opamps in the XM9! But it does. Sam
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