Re: Hotel Ruwanda

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 13, 2005 at 09:00:50:

In Reply to: Hotel Ruwanda posted by lon on June 12, 2005 at 23:40:24:

There is a theory that claims the change in aridity and climate has decimated many areas of Africa and the desertification of big tracts of land in central and western areas has created a famine that modifies all aspects of the political and economic conditions in Africa. The migrations of large population groups is a response to this condition.
That combined with the colonial powers imposing arbitrary borders that include hostile tribes within the same countries has created an insurmountable crises.
Africa also has the highest birth-rate and lowest life span resulting in an average age of about 17 for the populations of all but the northern muslim nations that remain fairly stable.
There seems to be nothing left but to allow the forces of nature to produce some sort of equilibrium and cultural stasis.

The movie gives the impression that the war was a cultural event pitting Hutu's and Tutsi's. The truth seems much more related to the food shortages and people reaching for any means of survival.

Nothing we can do, they are so corrupt that aid never reaches the people; not to mention the self-serving international aid groups.
Comparisons between us and them regarding the use of propoganda; amazing how the level of education has no bearing on what you can be coerced to believe.


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