The Present Day Composer Refuses To Die!

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on April 28, 2005 at 21:21:20:

Much as I love classical and other genres, I'm listening at the moment to The Mothers' Absolutely Free at ear-splitting levels (Welborne Laurels and Pi 4s). It's been a while, but God how I love this album. Plastic People . . . The Duke of Prunes . . . Call Any Vegetable . . . and Brown Shoes Don't Make It. Un-****ing-believable. I suppose you had to be there, but I first listened to this stuff as a Ninth or Tenth grader -- it was like plugging my brain directly into an electric socket, and I haven't recovered since. What a genius that man was.

Suzy Creamcheese, Oh mama now,
What's got into you?


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