Secret Ballot -- finally something interesting

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Posted by lon [ ] on February 25, 2005 at 03:31:37:

I've seen grass grow faster than this film moves, but
that is hardly the point. It engaged my interest with
dialog and character.

This was oneof my lenfing library picks, but not one
I ever requested or even knew about. So I am grateful to
whomever was smart enough to make this request. It might
have just been gotten through acquisisitions, how would I know?

But like the best of foreign film it takes to a strange
place and many things happen all on one day: an election day
in Iran.

In one scene amongst a group of women, the election
official asks of a youngster, "How old are you? You
have to be 16 to vote." The girl replies, "I'm twelve."
Then an old man elsewhere in the group says "Let her
vote! If she's old enough to marry, she should be old enough
to vote too!"

The film is a comedy but tells many lessons about life
in a land far away from here.


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