Re: kid movies.... Elephant and others

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 22, 2004 at 08:08:47:

In Reply to: Re: kid movies.... Elephant and others posted by lon on November 21, 2004 at 23:50:34:

Here, here!; I have a fourteen year old, it is scary. I have never refused him the opportunity to read or view any media I feel is enlightening and has a purpose. If you show fear of information they will seek it out. They are funny compared to how we were at that age. They are very quick witted and knowledgable but do not seem to have the survival skills we had. That is bad because they are very cocky and sure of themselves but are not aware of consequences.
By the same token censorship is deadening and shrinks their ability to judge situations critically. That is a big debate in this community but I am convinced that out side of unacceptable subjects such as pornography et al, they should be exposed to every artistic vision, which puts me at odds with most people.


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