Re: 'Mulholland Drive'

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on November 15, 2004 at 01:16:49:

In Reply to: Re: 'Mulholland Drive' posted by mike.e on November 15, 2004 at 00:33:28:

I'm laughing about the "nanny state" comment. But I can't laugh too loud 'cause we're in kinda the same situation in some ways. My state is probably less controlling than some places, but everywhere I see clamps on freedoms. Can't smoke in public, better watch your comments too. Tell a politically sensitive girl she's wearing a beautiful blouse and you might have to defend yourself for harassment. Take a religous item to school and you could get sent home, even suspended. Say a culteral or ethnic joke and you might be seen as prejudiced, maybe even taken to court.

Oh, shit. I made a point of not making any political comments on this website. I just blew it. Now that I've laughed at the "nanny state" comment, I just might get busted for it.


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