Re: Frida

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Posted by Joe Keeton [ ] on June 02, 2004 at 02:18:09:

In Reply to: Frida posted by Wayne Parham on May 24, 2004 at 04:01:11:

Right on Wayne - I can't remember if I suggested you see it - but what an amazing film. I too, thought it was going to be a total chick flick but was pleasantly surprised. The film was such an open portrayal of life's pain and trials - wasn't the end quote by Frida so potent and refreshingly honest? I particularly enjoyed and appreciated the non-judgmental depiction of her sexuality and addictions. It was real, which like you said, was a definite reflection of Salma and her artistic vision - something that only made her only that much more beautiful. Also, the cinematography was brilliant - taking her true to life paintings and transposing them into the film - almost animating them but with a tad of still life art - intriguing to say the least


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