Re: Walk the line

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 21, 2006 at 10:13:58:

In Reply to: Walk the line posted by Damir on July 21, 2006 at 08:16:05:

It seems that movies about muscicians never seem to be all that interesting.
I got to see JC and June about two years before he died. He was much better in person than on record. And physically large; he is a big guy; but that wasn't the real site; his band is made up of guys bigger than he is; his bass player looks to go over 300 lbs easy. Now you put them next to June who is about 4'11" and it is a comical site. She looks like a little kid on stage with them. But what a voice; pure as the driven snow.
Cash has a much deeper baritone voice that doesn't come across on recordings; and much more lively and interesting also. I guess he comes from a time when singers had to be good; you couldn't hide in the mix.


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