Barry Manilow/ Killer Music

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 18, 2006 at 09:33:36:

Article in the paper today;
"The local council in Rockdale Australia started a sixth month trial of high-volume hits by Barry Manilow to chase away car enthusiasts who were gathering on weekend nights at Cook Park Preserve.
'Barry's our secret weapon', deputy mayor Bill Saravinovsky said. 'It seems to be working.'
However some people living near the park are less than enthralled. They say the barrage of " Copacobana", Could it Be Magic", "Que Sara,Sara" and other hits, blasting from 9 pm until midnight is driving them crazy."

They should try listening to Nora Jones for six hours every Friday,Saturday and Sunday. That would empty a place real quick.
"Come Awaaaay; With me." No Thanks.


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