Re: Da Vinci Code

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 21, 2006 at 09:52:41:

In Reply to: Re: Da Vinci Code posted by Damir on May 21, 2006 at 07:56:03:

I can go on about Hemmingway. The reason people disrespect his art is due to the posturing he engaged in. But who of us can say they are any better? At least he accomplished things in life and took chances. And while some of his writing is weak; a lot of it is bordering on true genious. One of the few. Anyway I see a lot of posturing going on all over; even in audio forums.
"Opportunity makes the thief??" I hope you don't mean those little kids the priests molested brought it on themselves?
As far as artists being gay; yes there are gay artists; and many of the writers from that era were. So?
The work is still good and insightfull.
You know I don't really care what someone is; I only care what they think. Long as you have your mind right; then all is well.
But I still wouldn't let my son join the Boy Scouts.


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