All thr Roadrunning by Mark Knopfler & Emmy Lou Harris

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Posted by MWG [ ] on May 21, 2006 at 02:13:06:

I couldn't stop playing this cd when I got home tonight. There is just something soothing and comfortable about the songs on it.

The first time I listened to it through my C-26 & MC-2505 I thought the preamp was going sour on me. It seemed like on one song the guitar was distorted. I plugged my cd player directly into the Yamaha M-50 I picked up and it sounded the same so it's the guitar I even switched to my dvd player and it sounded the same.

I've never had a album by or with Emmy Lou Harris on it so I didn't know what to expect. Her vocals are crisp and clear and so is Knopfler's guitar playing.

I hate to recommend something and have someone buy it and feel they wasted their money. So go preview it there if you can. I got it new through Amazon for 10.95 which is a little savings from the local scalpers who don't carry anything not mainstream hip hop or white noise.


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