Re: Dire Straits-On the Night

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Posted by MWG [ ] on March 31, 2006 at 20:55:16:

In Reply to: Re: Dire Straits-On the Night posted by manualblock on March 31, 2006 at 20:02:11:

In the couple of years I've been fooling around on audio forums I have decided that people generally fall into a couple or three camps.

Group A for anal I'll call them since it's my keyboard They have hyphenated names and wear audiophile shorts so when they crepitate the material doesn't colour the sound. They say it's all about the music yet they spend most of their time tweaking, trading, buying and searching for that elusive "perfect" sound. It'll never be found as it doesn't exist. Even in recording studios.

Group B, now these guys have almost all of the obscure recordings ever made. Just check some of the "what's spinning" threads at AA & AK. It's a sign of status to list several albums that people have never even heard of but all agree they must be great artists because they didn't sell out and go big time They do listen to more music than group A though. Hey I have a Beatles lp recorded in Germany with Tony Sheridan singing. Neat huh? Well actually, it doesn't sound anything like them and nobody remembers Tony Sheridan either. It also sounds like shit but hey it's obscure

Then we have group C, These guys have anything from a Yorx boombox to the ultimate high end gear. The gear doesn't mean as much to them as listening to music does. These folk listen to all types of music. Nary a music snob among them. While they might not prefer your favorite genre they wont put it down either.

I lied, there is a forth group D. Here I reside. We are normal well adjusted music fans who own equipment we like and would only change if we won the lottery or something unlikely to happen. We have no formal audio training. We just know what we like and actually don't need anybodies approval. We just don't want to give the impression we know about things audio that we're clueless about. We give to charity, treat our pets right, bathe semi-regularly and are all around good folk. Now, if you've struggled through this BS and have been offended in any way get a life and be quick about it. I don't take this stuff called life Cirrus and neither should you. After all you ain't getting out of it alive dude


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