Re: New vocalist: Pamela Luss/ Kitty Margolis

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Posted by lon [ ] on March 21, 2006 at 14:07:25:

In Reply to: Re: New vocalist: Pamela Luss/ Kitty Margolis posted by manualblock on March 21, 2006 at 08:15:34:

CD player when needed is done with Sony dvd player.
The thing reads everything-- even dvds that are pronounced dead by
test programs.

I buy very little product. Most recent was a newer Ken Nordine
item called Transparent Mask -- he's still making new work. There was a re-release of the
original Double Six of Paris a couple years ago and I bought that
through an accappella catalogue I get. And there was a compilation
release called The Best Of Big Daddy which I got to fill in what
missing Items I could from the first BD release. has been good
at finding remaindered cds that I've looked up from references
on the jazz show. There was an Alan Farnham that I got that way.
Oh yeah, I bought a Brave Combo when seeing them live to support the band and replace an item I had of theirs on a purchased cassette.

My favorite way of music collecting is air checks-- these days
using line in on the computer and then cleaning up the
beginnings and endings with a wave editor.


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