Re: I should have known

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on March 20, 2006 at 10:18:58:

In Reply to: I should have known posted by MWG on March 17, 2006 at 17:17:05:

I agree with you, 100%

I enjoy many of the recent action movies, even some of thoise that are pretty far fetched. But they have to have a really compelling plot for me to get past the 1-guy-against-100 thing. If they're a superhero, in the Matrix or something, well, you're already expecting supernatural behavior. But if it's supposed to be mere mortals using actual machinery, I can't stomach the BS.

One of the best examples was "The Fast and the Furious", which was absolutely stupid. The wheelie from the blown Hemi Charger was pathetic; Disgusting because they faked it when the car could have actually yanked the front end up easily with slicks on the right surface, they do it all the time at the drag strip. So to fake the wheelie instead of just setting up to shoot an actual wheel stander was unforgivable, in my opinion. The rest of the movie was equally stupid, and I just couldn't suffer the foolishness of that film.


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