Grizzly Man

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on January 26, 2006 at 05:21:37:

I saw Werner Herzog's "Grizzly Man" last weekend. The movie certainly doesn't need my recommendation -- it's received almost universal praise -- but since I don't think it's been mentioned here, I'll add my thumbs up anyway.

The film is beautiful and compelling. The protagonist, Timothy Treadwell, was clearly as crazy as a loon, and yet endearing and delightful despite, or rather because of, his craziness. Looking to give his life meaning and stability, he embraced the bears as a drowning man clutches a life preserver. He anthropomorphized the bears in ways that bordered on delusional, leading him to take risks that leave the viewer awed by his courage and astounded by his foolhardiness, and resulting in astonishing footage that is both gorgeous and tinged with anticipated dread.

Herzog's treatment of Treadwell is both sympathetic and ironic, as he watches Treadwell's obsessive pursuit slowly hurtle to its terrible conclusion much like a train wreck in slow motion.

Highly recommended.


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