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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 19, 2005 at 07:36:17:

I am thinking that part of the reason there are few music posts is the types of systems in use on many of the audio boards. I have spent some time this past two or three years acquainting myself with some of the DIY flavors of the month.
Some background.
For many more years than I care to count I used some good speakers and equipment. Spendor SP 1's and Audio Research/ stuff like that. Always this type of set-up sounded very good on all types of music.
Then after deciding to become involved in building my own stuff I encountered many different routes to follow.
I settled on big horns and small tubes and that is a nice sound; not as well rounded ultimately but on some types of music more satisfying than the retail equipment.
However; after becoming exposed to some of the popular themes in audio I can see why the music takes a back seat.
SD; man I sat through three nights of that and could not be happier to be as far away from that whole thing as possible. Some of the best known and respected systems...sound good with maybe three CD's.
Oh; it sounded great with those three CD's but man horrendous with everything else.
Arrays; tried two driven by good quality amps. No bass no highs.
I go to some of the places to hear this equipment. Cheap crappy CD's and brittle; no tone amps. And the guys playing the one CD that sounds good on this mess.
Man we need to get some equipment that can play the music; I have not seen such a dry period regarding musical offerings in 40 years; gee, I wonder why?
I miss the enjoyment of looking forward to hearing something new that sounds original and good. The DIY community has to get off the mat and take a look at what is passing for music in their systems. Driven by the incompetence of the equipment they use on a daily basis.
It has tuned their sensibilities to a dedicated five CD's that have bad music on them.


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