Firefly and Serenity

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 03:21:19:

The movie that's out right now called Serenity is based on a television series called Firefly. Somehow, I completely missed the television series. I don't know if it gets limited exposure or it's just the fact that I'm too busy to watch any prime-time television. But anyway, I missed it.

Derk went to Serenity and said it was great. So I'm anxious to see it too. He bought the DVD for the Firefly television series and loaned it to me. So for the last couple of nights, I've watched an episode or two right before going to sleep.

I really have enjoyed this series. The very first episode is confusing for a couple of minutes, because they jump right into action, showing a brief bit of history. Some of the characters are in a battle scene, and you realize after a little bit that they are rebels on a side that eventually fails, sort of like the Jedis in Star Wars.

It's like a cross between the Millineum Falcon and Star Trek, with characters that live like they're in the wild west. It has really grown on me. If you liked the original Star Trek series, I think you'll probably like this one too. It has that kind of feel to me, a science fiction story that's different, unique enough to keep you interested but familiar enough to make you comfortable with the characters.


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