Secret Honor

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Posted by Lon C Ponschock [ ] on September 16, 2005 at 15:01:54:

With the dirth of the usual stuff I watch such as science fiction
and action shows, I found a dvd of of an old Robert Altman film
made years ago.

It's a play that was down out West in San Fransisco called
"Secret Honor". It's a one man monologue in stage setting at
the White House of Richard Nixon.

Boy, what a tour de force.

Phillip Baker hall acts his foot off in this. Hall is an
actor i wasn't acquainted with until seeing him in a
small picture called "Hard Eight".

The play gives discalimer about the ... how to say...
authenticity of the work and that is a 'work of fiction with
Nixon as the main character.'

A one room setting with one charachter taking for
90 plus minutes may sound daunting as an entertainment experience.

Trust me. It's not boring

In a time when the administration is at last giving
signs of falling apart, "Secret Honor" almost looks staid
by comparison. One wonders what the inner musings of the
current POTUS would be if ever given dialog.


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