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Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice [ ] on June 12, 2004 at 08:32:55:

In Reply to: 2nd order...what the doctor ordered? posted by gazzamongo on June 12, 2004 at 07:42:26:

1st order crossovers offer virtually no protection for HF drivers and do precious little for IM distortion so I don't use them at all except in sub applications where the high cost of components is prohibitive, and HF protection is a moot point.

2nd order is better, but not by that much, and phase issues are rampant.

For home use I think 3rd order all around offers the best compromise between performance and component cost.

In pro use active crossovers and multi-amping are the preferred route by and large, but quite adequate protection and performance can be had with 3rd order LP and 5th order HP filtering; the performance exceeds that of 4th/4th but with the same parts count/price.


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