Re: Hey Graeme!

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Posted by GraemeG [ ] on June 01, 2004 at 20:57:15:

In Reply to: Hey Graeme! posted by GarMan on June 01, 2004 at 16:16:36:

That's basically it. The 2445s have a measured hump around 2k that gets really hard on the ears when pushed hard. I am not a fan of 2" drivers and don't really like crossover points in sensitive vocal areas, so I much prefer the sound of 1" drivers crossed over much higher. The 2x8" box is much more pleasant to listen to at high volumes. I am really aiming at higher crossover points, and hopefully experimenting to be started shortly will achieve that.

FWIW most of the problems with extending the top end of the 12s was due to path cancellations due to the small throat area. Using a larger throat (as was done in the 8") probably could have increased the top end range at the expense of overall efficiency. As the boxes were already existing, I concluded that going for smaller drivers was probably easier than trying to redesign and rebuild the 12s.



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