Re: LABsub Bass Horn Project

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Posted by Tom Danley [ ] on April 13, 2004 at 18:46:21:

In Reply to: Re: LABsub Bass Horn Project posted by Wayne Parham on April 13, 2004 at 17:07:50:

Hi Wayne

I believe this is the fruition of a project on the lab sub forum. Here is a recent post on the sub forum.

In which case it is a pair of Labsub / BT-7 shaped horns with a flare extension.
This should be capable of being quite scary when finished.

I don't know if you have built a proper horn with the LAB 12 yet but they are quite powerful, more so than one might expect even.

I have some measurements from Eminence on the shorted turn (flux stabilized in marketing speak) driver.
I will go through them tonight and let you know how they look.
I should have the real thing in hand shortly.
Got to run,



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