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Posted by HenryW [ ] on March 29, 2004 at 09:17:25:

In Reply to: High Efficiency and Amplification Explained posted by wunhuanglo on March 28, 2004 at 09:40:00:

The author failed to address the fact that as the electrons get swifter and continue to travel at the near speed of light, time slows down for them and they age much slower than the obese electrons. This is commonly refered to as a 'phase shift' and is usually addressed by a decelerating crossover configuration. This is a complicated engineering feat (as we all know - higher frequency electrons are much more excited and travel faster than the low frequency electrons) and should only be handled by the professionals.

Although the use of A Bybee filter should replace the need for logic in the above example.

I thrive on this type of intelligent discourse...


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