Re: 18" Subwoofer Horn - Opinions wanted!

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Posted by Bill Wassilak [ ] on January 27, 2004 at 09:47:27:

In Reply to: 18" Subwoofer Horn - Opinions wanted! posted by Adrian Mack on January 27, 2004 at 00:18:47:

Hi Adrian,
Looks good give it a try the only thing I'd try different is extending the lorn length a little more, at 1/4 wavelength it's only going to be operating as a horn down to about 43Hz. Anything below that it's going to be operating as a sealed box, you can see this in your first graph. Try to get the horn length out to about 2.75 meters, of course this will expand the mouth area also, this should get you to 30hz and room gain should make up the rest. But if you want to keep it that small you should be able to do it with the filters you suggested. Hope you have strong walls.

Bill W.


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