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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on February 28, 2006 at 13:20:35:

In Reply to: ALTEC VALENCIAS posted by angel mercado on February 27, 2006 at 21:10:13:

HI ANgel,
Good to hear from you again!

I rebuilt the boxes, and installed them in the living room. YOU should come hear them. Wife likes their look now. I think bringing in the original boxes initially was a good idea in terms of setting the bar.
THey sound very good to me. But you should listen.

I will be happy to come by your place with a Single endfed amp. I have a single ended 2a3that sounds pretty good.
I would love to check out the valencias.
Let's coordinate by email. MAybe Wayne & BIll Wassilak & others would like to come too?


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