Re: BuST - An- eardrum

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Posted by Mike.e [ ] on January 24, 2004 at 09:45:14:

In Reply to: Re: BuST - A - sub posted by Wayne Parham on January 24, 2004 at 04:22:19:

The driver handles 10x more power, hmm? That should put it at about 5-7dB louder.
Maybe more,as the 9$ woofer was ultimate cheap no brand..
Also this horn models slightly higher efficiency...

I'll bet you've already done the Hornresp simulation
its allready CADed up! the moment i saw those DDs, i thoht id give them a try! Wgeiger apparently used some 18"s ,or was going to..of theirs. High BL high mass beasties, like big lab12s

I made it larger mouth-as i think i can JUST fit this in the car.before construction i will measure the width between suspension struts carefully again..

Yes it is interesting i wish i could use FEA.....Basicaly we are IN the speaker box,the resonating chamber and i noticed the SPL doesnt change much with different positions in the car,unlike a room.

You need to post this stuff on the car audio forum

oh yeh!
I did post on some other car audio ones,but they only listened when i posted my SPL results with 20watts,and still not many bites.People dont understand potential.
It's kinda like how do you top that?!!

Thats the thing! i was so fascinated by horns after seing melhuish's site,and when hornesp appears i was almost crying for joy when i could see what i could do-just like using bassbox or winisd....but have u noticed with winisd,one can click the speakerbox image in the 'box' tab,and the response changes while u drag the port tuning and volume around with the mouse-instant update. THAT for hornresp would be c00l!

The best part is that 50hz 122db tone is CLEAN! il get SW going soon after starting tech,and take all the measurements it will do.


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