Updated the crossovers on my K-orns to spec

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on January 01, 2006 at 23:37:12:

Hi Everyone,
I sent my 1978 k-horn AA xovers to Bob Crites, of Arkansas, to upgrade to original spec.
bob uses GE polyprop in oil caps, and checks the chokes, etc, to make sure the xover is running to original spec.
Well i expected some difference, since they say the original oil caps go bad after 20 years, and mine were 27 years old.
The difference was actually quite significant.
whereas earlier the k-horns sounded a boit muddled and not very coherent, they now sound really good.
THe music seems more coherent, the highs seem a lot better.
I really enjoyned listening to thm tonight, driven by a 2a3 SET.
TO all who own older -horns, if you havenlt updated the xover, it makes a LARGE difference.


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