Levers and multiple subs

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Posted by Rapid [ ] on December 08, 2005 at 13:50:34:

In Reply to: Re: Subwoofers posted by Earl Geddes on December 05, 2005 at 14:15:42:

Sounds interesting about those levers. Do you get 6dB for the whole frequencyrange? I downloaded your software so I've seen what a lever looks like now (pictures are easier to understand). The frontlever looks like a bandpass sub but instead of a port it's got two passive radiators which are connected "in series", where the second has twice the area of the first. The other option is to build a rear lever which looks like a bassreflex but the port is changed into the lever I wrote about above. Right?

Wouldn't it be possible to build the lever with 3 passive radiators (two at the second stage)? What's the problem with using a large ratio of the radiating areas?

Also, I wonder about multiple subs. I think I've read somewhere that the more subs you scatter around the room, the flatter bass you'll get. Is this true?



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