Re: Help w/New Project

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on October 28, 2005 at 07:46:49:

In Reply to: Re: Help w/New Project posted by manualblock on October 27, 2005 at 19:38:12:

The Orion's sound like an outstanding speaker, I've only seen a few marginal reviews (something about too heavy bass in some locations). But to be honest, my one reservation here is that I love to build, and mostly build amps of the tube variety. Orion takes away that fun by inserting a ton of SS filters and utilizing dedicated SS amps. But reading about Seigfried's work is what inspired me to try OB in the first place. I have gotten really nice results so I'm not convinced that, if drivers are used within their limits, we really need all that EQ in the signal path. The Basszilla is another variation that I've looked at - no EQ, but supposed to sound very nice. I've tried a similar arrangement with a Fostex FE167 OB on top of a bass bin, but could not get them integrated well (back to my comment about not being good with crossovers). I also found the Fostex to sound a bit thin even if they were working entierly in their comfortable range. That may be the wizzer artifacts, or it may just be the construction of the speaker, I don't know.


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