Properly designed point-source systems are not easy to design OR install

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Posted by Todd W. White [ ] on October 19, 2005 at 20:59:37:

In Reply to: Re: Array Me in the Right Direction posted by Cuppa Joe on October 19, 2005 at 20:51:21:

Let's face it: it's a LOT easier to hang a box with all of the moving parts already mounted in it, aim it (like a shotgun) in the general direction of a crowd, crank it up and proclaim it as "SUPERIOR" than it is to do take the measurements (if you don't know which ones, I can elaborate), do the math, be familiar with the ACTUAL perfomance characteristics of the speakers you are using, and be able to assemble on paper (or computer these days) a COHERENT system (much less install it correctly) that WILL WORK RIGHT.

It takes a LOT of understanding and experience to do a big cluster that really CAN give uniform frequency response AND SPL to all seats, so most designers and installers want it easy and LOUD, so that's what the manufacturers give them.

It will be YEARS before the end users/owners figure out that they've been ripped off and the pendulum swings back to the other way...

"Do the math, and you won't make the mistakes everyone else is making" - Don Davis


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