Posted by wardsweb [ ] on June 26, 2005 at 17:11:46:
In Reply to: New Pic & Observations posted by zincman on June 24, 2005 at 17:16:35:
Hello - a friend of mine send me a link to your post and ask that I take a look at what you have done. First off, you did a very nice job on putting these together. They are truely something to be proud of. As for your harsh mids and highs, may I ask a question, make a comment and add a suggestion. What crossover are you using with the 811 horn? If you ever come across a pair of 511B you may find them more to your liking. Now for something you can do now, dampen your horn. This can be done in several ways.
The first two are easy: 1 - You may take some modeling clay and partially fill the upper lip in your horn. 2 - go buy a couple 2 pound "soft" weights made for diving (cloth bag filled with lead shot)and lay one in the top lip of each driver. Either of these will take out almost all the "ring" in you horns and tame some of the harshness you speak of.
This next option is a little more involved: You cut the welds out of the divider veins in the mouth of the horn, then fill it back in with some long life silicone glue like Permatex Blue gasket cement.
The last option is to dampen the outside of the bell with any number of sound dampening materials that add mass. You can buy spray on deadener like used in car audio applications, you can build up layers of latex paint and sand mixed together (layer it until the bell no loner rings when tapped with your knuckle), or line the lip of the bell with sound deadening rubber sheets.
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